Neighborhoods are an important part of our community. Sign up to assist with a neighborhood cleanup trash drop-off event or join in on the new Neat Neighborhoods competition.
Learn more about the opportunities, then complete an online registration form. Provide information about your family or group and select the opportunities you’d like to commit to. Remember to mark your calendar and please do your best to follow through!
Swing by the Citizen Resource Center in the Busch Municipal Building (840 N. Boonville Avenue) anytime between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday – Friday to pick up the supplies and information you and your group will need. You’ll get free volunteer tshirts, trash bags, volunteer information, waiver forms and fun Clean Green giveaways. This is also a chance to speak with program coordinators and ask questions.
Carry out the volunteer activity or event you registered for. Remember to have fun, be safe and take photos of you and your team to share with the community.
Call the Citizen Resource Center at 864-1010 or visit the GoSpringfieldMo app to log your volunteer hours. Be prepared to provide your name, date of your volunteer service, report the location and number of any trash bags collected and any input or comments you would like to provide about your experience.