Participate: Cleanup Activities & Events

It’s spring 2024 – time to once again, get out and lend a hand in a series of City-wide activities to help clean up and green up our fair city. Learn more about each program below, and follow the registration buttons, where applicable, to get started! Though the Spring 2023 initiative is complete, there are still ways to help keep our city clean. Learn more about each program below.

The Neat Neighborhoods competition is a contest organized by the City of Springfield and the Neighborhood Advisory Council. The competition is supported by the presenting sponsor the Hatch Foundation and many other agencies.

The competition involves participating areas being rated on all aspects of their local environment and prizes awarded to the best under many different categories. The overall winner in each of the four City Council Zones is deemed “Neat Neighborhood” which is announced at a ceremony each year.

On select Saturdays in May, the City will host a cleanup at a location significant to Springfield. Bring your team to lend a hand to make these locations the point of pride they are. Perfect for individuals, families and volunteer teams, these cleanups will involve lighter, all-ages litter cleanup work.
Through the City’s Adopt-a-Street and Adopt-a-Stream programs, committed volunteers keep our city’s roadways and streams free from litter and debris. The City provides the trash bags, you tell us when and where to pick them up when filled!

The City’s registered Neighborhood Associations are teaming up to host trash and bulky item drop-off events throughout the Spring. Sign up to help with a variety of activities, including: bulky item pickup throughout the neighborhood, clean up alleyways and other sites identified by the neighborhood, help neighbors unload items at the drop-off event.

Disposal Opportunities

Throughout the month of May, additional activities offered at no or low cost to the public, will allow the disposal of several harder-to-dispose-of items such as mattresses, tires and electronic waste.

These are special offers through Clean Green Springfield and only valid while funding lasts! Watch this webpage and the City’s social media sites for updates or notification of offers ending before heading out to a dropoff site.

© 2025 Clean Green Springfield